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Before Anesthesia

RISKS OF IV SEDATION: All medications have potential risks. With IV sedation, your hand or arm may become bruised after surgery due to the needle stick and irritated, inflamed veins (phlebitis). It is possible, though rare, that respiratory depression may occur, and in extreme cases, cardiovascular events may occur. It is not uncommon for the medications to make you emotional after surgery. More commonly, however, patients will remain drowsy for the remainder of the afternoon/evening following surgery.

WHAT IS IV SEDATION?: Intravenous (IV) sedation is a safe and effective method of providing relief from anxiety during oral surgery. A needle will be used to place a plastic catheter into a vein in your hand or arm. Fluids and various medications will be administered to make you feel very relaxed, comfortable, and sleepy. Your jaws and gums will then be numbed with a local anesthetic to prevent the sensation of pain during surgery.


  1. Be very thorough when telling the surgeon about the medications you take at home. Your surgeon must know ALL prescription, over-the-counter, herbal/supplement medications you take and how frequently you take them.

  2. Tell your surgeon if you use any recreational drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, or narcotics, as they can interact with the IV drugs administered and produce unexpected and potentially very dangerous side effects.

  3. Let your doctor know if you are pregnant or if there is a possibility that you can be pregnant. The IV medications can be harmful to a fetus. Furthermore, if you are prescribed antibiotics after your surgery, they can prevent your birth control pills from working properly, so plan accordingly.

  4. Do NOT eat or drink anything for 8 hours prior to your surgery. The only exception is if you need to take a prescription medication, in which case you can take a small sip of plain water.

  5. Notify your doctor if you have had recent symptoms of a cold or flu, including fevers, cough, sneezing, chest tightness, or wheezing. Also let your doctor know if you have had a recent asthma flare up.

  6. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing with short sleeves for your surgery. Do not wear jewelry or make-up. All facial piercings should be removed. Please make sure to not have on acryllic or gel nails or any nail polish, as we will place a monitoring device on your fingers.

  7. Do not wear contact lenses to your surgery.

  8. Leave all valuables at home.

  9. Cellular phones or tablets are not permitted in the surgery room.

  10. Arrive at least 20 minutes early to your appointment.

  11. You MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult who will remain at the office during your procedure, and drive you home from surgery. They should stay with you at home until you are recovered enough to take care of yourself.

  12. Full mental alertness will not return for several hours. Therefore, you must not drive or operate a vehicle, should not make important decisions, and cannot drink alcohol.


  14. If problems should arise after leaving the clinic on your surgery day, contact your oral surgeon immediately. Parents/guardians of children need to observe their child closely.

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